Friday, February 8, 2008

Politics, Politics, Politics

Ok so I don't know about you, but it seems like this election year, everyone is pretty rabid about various candidates. I for one support Obama and Hillary despite the fact that here in Utah, everyone hates Hillary. I've read her stances on issues and she has some good ideas. I really can't understand why people can't just let go, the fact that they've already been in the White House and that some don't want Bill back in there for what he did years ago (Monica, anyone?). I mean seriously, forgetting that whole scandal, President Clinton did a good job. By electing Hillary, you are not electing Bill. Get over it.

A few days ago, while I was at work, it came out that I was a Democrat. One of my co-workers who was a Republican, immediately was trying to challenge my views. It was slightly amusing when he asked questions, that most of them were really geared towards conservative views. For example, he asked if I was happy a dictator who killed millions of innocent people is dead? What was I supposed to say? "Um, no, I really wish he was still alive." I mean even the Dems can't say they're sad that Saddam is dead. People seem to not understand the fact that most do not agree with every single issue their declared party does. Political confrontation gives me a bad taste. I remember back in high school having debates with my fellow seminary students, and one boy in particular yelling and getting so close in my face that I kept getting sprayed with his spit. I am fine discussing politics, but it irks me when people get super confrontational and self-righteous. And it's the Repubes (mostly at BYU) who claim they're so righteous, but tell the Dems they're going to hell. I mean I really don't understand how people can still support the Republican Party. It is completely baffling. Let's support a party who lies to the Americans and the UN, so we can go into a country that supposedly has WMD, then never did. Let's support a President who promises to capture Osama Bin Laden, who actually killed thousands on American soil, but then hasn't done anything about it, and now is focusing on a war that shouldn't have even been started. Let's support a President who obviously cares nothing for the Constitution (the document that our country is built upon), when he voilated it multiple times, then wrote a law that gave him permission to continue violating it. But did anyone care? No, they just turned a blind eye. Let's support a party that doesn't care to do anything about global warming. Even if global warming doesn't exist, why is it sooooo horrible to just help clean up the earth? Heaven forbid we should EVER use less gas, recycle more, or use more efficient lightbulbs. This is the future people, stop dragging your feet! Until we discover another planet like Earth that we can ruin next, we should be taking care of the one we have.

Wow, that was a total tangent, but really I just get sick of people's ignorance and irresponsibility. Speak up people!!

"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
-Declaration of Independence

'nuff said! ^

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