Yesterday, Republican nominee for President John McCain, announced his VP choice for the election. The lucky (or maybe not so lucky) pick was a lady named Sarah Palin. Who is this mysterious woman you ask? Well I don't really know either. No one seemed to expect McCain would choose the Governor of Alaska. In fact most of the talk was that he'd choose Mitt Romney (thank goodness he didn't). But I can't help but wonder why she was chosen. Out of all the highly qualified candidates why Palin?
McCain has claimed that she's a good choice, and knows what she's doing, etc. And I'm not going to talk like I know all, but seriously? While she has been somewhat decent at a state level, I wonder how she'll really deal with helping to run the United States of America. I mean yea she's been running the state of Alaska for 2 years and was the town of Wasilla's mayor for 6. Does McCain really think that is qualification for Vice President? I'll admit part of me was thinking "Cool! The Alaskan Gov could be the VP of the US!" But other than dealing with fishing and hunting drama what does she know about foreign affairs? What might be simple to handle Alaskan tax laws, what does she know about doing it at a much larger scale? I could see maybe choosing the governor of a much larger state to run with (California (not that I want Schwarzenegger either), or New York, etc.) But Alaska? I love Alaska, but where the population is only about 700,000 people, 47th smallest in the nation, does that really prepare one to help run America? I'm not saying she's completely without skill and experience. But there are a lot of better candidates in my opinion. Seriously though, what rock did he find her under? Suddenly out of the blew he says to himself "Hey the Governor of Alaska should be my running mate!" Did the Governor of Hawaii not make the cut? What about the Gov of Wyoming? Isn't Dave Freudenthal good enough? (Oh, wait he's a democrat...nevermind ;)
Then I thought well maybe it's not so much experience rather than longevity. Maybe the fact that she's only 44 years old is appealing to McCain who is 72. Does he feel comforted by that fact that if he kicks the bucket soon, she's nowhere near doing so herself. Or maybe McCain chose her because she'll attract people who vote for the President based on looks alone?
But who really knows what's going on in the mind of McCain. Only McCain knows...and his psychiatrist...

Here is a photo of the lovely lady herself
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